Who was Noah in the Bible? Five verses that mention happiness? What is the last book of the Old Testament? Who wrote the Bible? Which verses deal with the loss of a loved one? What are the Ten Commandments? What is the significance of the Sermon on the Mount? Who was the first king of Israel? What is the shortest verse in the Bible? Which verse talks about loving your neighbor? How many books are there in the New Testament? What is the meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan? Who was King David? Which prophet was swallowed by a great fish? What is the main message of the Book of Revelation? What are the Beatitudes? Who was Mary Magdalene? What is the Great Commission? Which verses speak about faith? What is the longest Psalm in the Bible? Who betrayed Jesus? What is the meaning of the Pentecost? Who were the apostles? What is the significance of the Passover in the Bible? What are the Fruits of the Spirit? Who was the apostle Paul? What is the role of angels in the Bible? What does the Bible say about forgiveness? Who was Moses? What is the meaning of the Exodus? What is the Book of Proverbs about? What is the significance of the Ark of the Covenant? Who was Samson and what was his story? Which verse is known as the Golden Rule? What are the major themes in the Book of Psalms? Who was Elijah and what miracles did he perform? What is the story of the prodigal son? Who were the main judges in the Book of Judges? What are the different names of God mentioned in the Bible? What is the story of creation in Genesis? Who were the Pharisees and Sadducees? What does the Bible say about prayer? What is the significance of the Last Supper? Who was the prophet Isaiah? What is the meaning of the Book of Ecclesiastes? What are the major covenants in the Bible? What is the story of Joseph and his brothers? What is the significance of baptism in the New Testament? Who was Ruth and what is her story? What is the story of David and Goliath? Who was the prophet Jeremiah? What does the Bible say about marriage? What is the meaning of the Trinity? Who was the prophet Daniel? What is the significance of the Tabernacle? What is the Book of Lamentations about? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Bible? What is the story of Abraham and Isaac? What are the prophetic books of the Old Testament? What is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus? What does the Bible say about charity? What is the story of Jonah and the whale?
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